It's been a fun week catching up with all our friends and family out here. The air on this tour is so relaxing and laid back. There's music on the tee, good food and great people! My good friend and fellow rep "Fordie" were talking this morning about this tour in comparison to the "Big show" which oh by the way doesn't compare in any way shape of form other than they both have players!
The biggest difference these guys have "been there, done that" and appreciate where they have come from. They have succumbed to having FUN! The reps aren't walking all over each other and everybody enjoys the day! I love it! At least you won't go through days that no one and I mean no one will speak to you. The only way that would happen out here is your tongue would have to have been cut out the night before and then these guys will still talk to you! As you can tell I like it out here!
We have a new "rookie" on the Champions tour this week! Since turning 50, Kenny Perry makes his debut this week! It's nice to see him out here, great guy! I may have to see how his contract holds up out here? Maybe we have a chance to get in the bag on this tour!
Something that really impresses me is how some of these guys never seem to age and actually look in better shape today then in their prime. Take a look at Billy Glasson he is still as stout as he was when he made his debut on the PGA Tour less the blond hair, he is still as intimidating as he ever was.
I strolled over to check in on Nick Price, up close he too is in stellar shape and strong. I use Bernhard Langer as an example all the time, he never changes! I want what he's having! Ha-ha! I remember watching him on TV growing up and he looks the same with the exception of maybe a few wrinkles here and there! Hell a brand new pair of slacks will wrinkle up when you sit down! Other than that these guys are amazing!
Uh Oh guess who's in the house?
That's right, the KING is in the house! Mr. Palmer as you know is the spokesman for Administaff Company, so he is here to participate in the pro-am and do a little promotional work for the company. He is still the nicest man you will ever meet! What a gentleman. I had a little conversation with him regarding our company and let him know how my Dad was getting along. It was good to see him!
Two legends catching up on current events and talking "ol times". That's Doug Sanders with his back to the camera. You can always pick out the Dougster, his shoes will always match either his shirt or slacks or both! I have stayed at his house here in Houston a time or two and he must have 9000 pairs of shoes, slacks and shirts that all match! Still! It was his signature look back in the late 60's. Anybody that followed golf back then knows what I am saying!
I followed up with Tom McKnight this morning and he didn't have either Solus wedge in the bag. Of course you can see who he really plays for! Tom has played the Solus wedge for good number of years and has had great success. He has been out with a back injury or problem for much of the season. He said he would not be playing next week in San Antonio although I am not sure if it's due to the back. He is struggling, however he looks strong and is making a good pass at the ball. He said his wedge game has been off regardless of his back since the groove change. He really wanted to know if we were going to come out with the Series 4.1 with the new grooves. He said he really got comfortable with that head and had more confidence in his short game. I explained to him that we had talked about it, however at this point do not have anything in place to make it happen just yet.
You know after talking to the players this week I have to say our tour efforts and support out here has weakened. I blame myself for this but our penetration has dropped off for some reason. I am not sure if it's the entire groove issue or if it lack of sufficient follow up or what. We are just not as strong as I would like to see us especially out here. Our club numbers in play should be at least what they were last year if not shown an increase.
Granted there are a few companies keeping us at bay with money which will continue regardless of the company. On the other hand having a closer follow up and increase communication with the players is needed. The one thing that still stands out, I didn't have one player say they switched because of performance. They love the new FC-10 but most of them really and truthfully still don't understand the design to this day!
With the insurgence of the new blood from the PGA Tour I am wondering if all of that endorsement money will follow. I do know that certain players can play other club brands on this tour but must go back to the contractual agreements for club count when crossing over back to the PGA Tour. There are even a few players out here that can play our club overseas but not out here! Go figure..... You can tell the bigger manufacturers pay less attention out here than any of the other two tours. The players feel it.
The single one thing that I think that has ruined some of these players are the contracts. The contracts relate to sales numbers and consumer demand. Just think you run a buy a club just because Bernhard won with it. The thought process says hey I can too!! That is why the "monster" has grown to what it is today. There are so many good designs out here that really provide game improvement features but will not make in the bag or to market due to the big companies keeping a hold on these players.
I won't mention any names but I have a few really good friends making a serious move up the money list this year due to changing contracts and equipment. What does that say? Simply put, there isn't one single brand of club that is made for everyone regardless of size or ability. It the same out here but what is happening is it will ultimately come down to three or four big companies and that will be it! Even thought there are designs out here such as ours that will be pushed aside for lack of money to distribute for clubs in play or offer huge contracts. The smaller companies are all feeling it and so are the players especially in this economy. Very seldom if not rare do you take a look at a player’s bag on any tour and find something other than what's on the bag and their hat! Back when my Dad was playing you could look in the bag and have no idea what staff the players was on.
I often get off on this muddy road due to frustration. Doug Sanders brought up a good point he said he had won numerous majors and tournaments in his life and had a total lifetime earnings of a little over 700,000, he said look at about eighth place or lower each week and you will see where 700,000 kicks in! He too feels the same way. The days of playing the best golf these guys can to win, as now went to I hope I can win with what I am playing because I am getting paid to PLAY them! It is incredable how things have evolved over the years. But as long as we all keep buying 60.00 a dozen balls and 600.00 drivers this trend will continue!
It's like the USGA changing the groove rule out here in order to shorten the courses and the ball. They though this should have make a huge impact on the game! Sure it made an impact at first, but let's face it these guys are the best in the world and could probably play with a shovel if told to. The real truth is, it's made no impact on the game at this level. The players have learned how to use the new grooves to their advantage and the ball development and technology will continue to shorten the longest of courses! The ball will continue to be developed to gain distance, not what the USGA had in mind at all! They wanted the ball to be "softened" to allow the player to regain the spin and ball control of the old square grooves in turn shorting the course. Not!
I will get to the bottom line here and then I will shut up! The real impact of this whole groove thing will fall on you the consumer. This groove change will really impact the average player. Thus big brother USGA did what? They made the game more difficult in the end for the average player! Removing a lot of the fun!
I still think the craziest thing that has come out of this whole thing is the fact the USGA is going to tell the manufacturer and the consumer when and how you will play the game. You have until 2024 to play the "old" grooves on the other hand as a manufacturer we have to cease production and sales of such grooves by December 2010? How does this sound to you? Who are these guys? Who is going to police you the consumer January 1, 2025 to make sure you have changed? Come on now! I think enough is enough! Don't you? Hey that's my sermon for the week, sorry it's a sad story but it had to be told!!
Have a great weekend if you can after that little dissertation!
This year there is pro-ams everyday during the work week! I came in early this morning to find the morning wave going off. Early out here is 9:00am. I am out of my element though; usually I get to the course around 6:30-7:00am Monday and Tuesday then 5:30 to 6:00am on Wednesday. Of course the work week on this tour is Tuesday thru Thursday since the tournament is three rounds instead of the traditional four. This tour is a lot more laid back as you can imagine.
Tom McKnight came by on his way out to the course and wanted a 52* to match his 60* he got yesterday. No worries!
I checked in to see if Hal Sutton had our wedges in this week. He is now on contract with Callaway and gets paid for the wedges! I guess Callaway is paying weekly for the wedges.
I received a request from a close friend that came by the course. He used to be a rep out on the PGA Tour and now sells heavy equipment. He is helping a young man through Q School and needed a 56 band 60. The players name is Corbin King and he lives in the area. I agreed to help him get to the finals!

Houston native and great family friend Doug Sanders stopped by the bag to check in on me and the new wedges. As you know Doug is a golf legend and really close friends with my Dad. He was checking up on both! I really listen to his feedback which is usually spot on. He said the FC-10's are perfect! We just need to add the other three lofts and we got it! I love talking to Doug as you can imagine since I grew up around him.
Mike has been working on LU for a few weeks. He wanted to demo a 52*. We are both going to sit on him until he decides to switch.
Here is a close up of that little "launch monitor" I have been featuring for a few weeks. I will get a shot of the front screen during the operation. This is a great little piece! You know I am pumped over it! This unit is so portable it would be perfect for proving the Solus technology in real time side by side with the players gamers. I could sit this on the tee, around the green, in the bunker and rough, proving we produce superior ball spin and consistent launch angle. There would be no questioning when the proof is right in front of them! These little units go for $5000.00 but would be well worth it! Proof!
Here is good friend "Fordy" working with Bob Gilder using the monitor. Fordy is with Titleist and as you can see Bob is with Ping. Bob just wanted to see how the monitor worked and check his numbers. Fordy is working with all of the players regardless of brand choice.
I checked in with John Jacobs to follow up. Mike had given John a new 56 a few weeks back so I thought I would see if it was in the bag. Well it's not in the bag and John admitted he had really screwed it up trying to grind the leading edge back. He asked if I would spec him another one.
Checked in on Fuzzy. Fuzzy now has his own brand of Vodka and is promoting it this week here in Houston. I will have to do a little sampling, ya think?
Here a little "mic" reversal with Jim Nance. Here he is doing an interview with XM Radio's, Bob Bubbka.
Larry Nelson is back out! I am not sure why he has been laid off, but he is back and wants a new 56 and 60 for San Antonio next week. I will need to bend the off-set he needs before then. Tomorrow will be a busy day in before the pro-am goes off. I will get John and Larry fixed up first thing in the morning.
It's always great to get back out here on the Champions Tour. Don't get me wrong the Nationwide Tour is great, but the Champions for me is a little more fun since I know more of these guys out here. I grew up around most of them! One of the many perks of getting old. I have a lot of old friends out here and it's really nice to catch up and see what's been going on!
I am in Houston this week working the Administaff Small Business Classic one of the last two Champions Tour events for this year. I will work alongside our rep Mike Nickell. Mike pretty much steers the ship out here for us and has done a wonderful job. I am only able to get out to these two events since the Champions schedule moves to opposite ends of the earth from where I am usually at. These two events make the most sense for me due to the fact they are so close to home. This will be our final swing of the 2010 season! As soon as I am finished up in San Antonio next week I travel to Orlando for the final PGA Tour event at Disney.
Although today was a little slow there was still a lot going on. I caught up with good friend Tommy McKnight. Tom has been out with back problems pretty much the last several weeks. He picked up a new 60 to take to the course this week. He did make an inquiry as to putting the new grooves on the Series 4.1? I told him I had thought of that a while back and was going to add it to our year end meeting agenda.
I also caught up with Bernhard Langer. He has the 56 I made for him about three months ago and from time to time puts it in play. He still wanted to know if we were going to develop another offering of the FC-10 but with the added off-set, such as the prototype I made for him. All I could say at this point is, I'm working on it!
Others that I made a point to follow up and talk to were Sonny Skinner, Jim Dent, Gil Morgan, Gene Jones, Loren Roberts, Billy Glasson to mention a few! I had a great day! Love these guys, really good friends! Oh did I already say this?
Mike had went out on the course with Keith Fergus. While he was out there he heard that Ben Crenshaw really liked the 56 that he had "off-set" bent into. He said it fit his eye! I want to follow up with Ben in the morning to get his feedback.

Good friend and fellow rep, Kenny MacDonald here is demonstrating a new putting trainer. It is one of the damnest things I have ever tried. Apparently, Sandy Lyle is involved and believes this is the key to the aggressive putting strokes. There are three balls which are the red ones, obviously... The red "Balls of Steel" are just that, steel over weighted balls. You putt one with the heavy ball and then with a regular ball through a series of six putts. You perform this drill from no more than 2' from the hole for fifteen to twenty minutes. The first time I drew the putter back and hit this "ball of steel" it didn't move more than 1-2"! It was really good for a laugh, but I soon got the hang of it. I putted three heavies and then three standard balls and the results were unbelievable! The stoke becomes very aggressive and you simply take all of the break out of the putt and bang the back of the hole every time! Crazy! But the best putters of the ball are stroking it this aggressively in the heat of battle. There is less guess work with a straight in putt! Don't you agree? Hell Ya!!! That's what I'm talking about!!
Until tomorrow!
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